Strona 89 z 195.
E-MOSFET (Enhancement Type, The most common type you will encounter)
Test Using an ohmmeter set to the x 100 ohm scale, measure the resistance
between the drain and the source, then reverse the leads and take another reading
between the drain and the source. Both readings should show infinity, regardless
of meter lead polarity. Connect the positive lead of the ohmmeter to the gate.
Using the negative lead, measure the resistance between the gate and the drain and
then between the gate and the source. Both readings should indicate infinity.
Disconnect the positive lead from the gate and connect the negative lead to the
gate. Using the positive lead, measure the resistance between the gate and the
drain and then between the gate and the source. Both readings should indicate
infinity. If the MOSFET has a substrate connection, Disconnect the negative lead
from the gate and connect it to the substrate. Using the positive lead, measure the
resistance between the substrate and the drain and between the substrate and the
source. Both of these readings should indicate infinity. Disconnect the negative
lead from the substrate and connect the positive lead to the substrate. Using the
negative lead, measure the resistance between the substrate and the drain and
between the substrate and the source. Both readings should indicate a low
resistance (about 1,000 ohms). Most MOSFETs will fail by shorting from drain to
source and sometimes they will also have a short between gate and source or
between gate and drain or both.
You should always try and find a data sheet for the MOSFET you are testing
because you will find some MOSFETs will have different characteristics that will
make the test readings slightly different. For instance the P11NK50Z has a diode
between source and drain, so that when testing you will get a reading in one
direction between source and drain in x100 ohm setting and this is normal.
Always try to use exact replacements when replacing a bad BJT or MOSFET. If
you must use a substitute always replace with the same type(NPN, PNP, N
channel, enhancement mode etc..)BJT and with the same or higher IC(continuous
collector current) and the same or higher VCEO(max voltage as measured between
collector and emitter when base is open that the transistor can handle without
breaking down). Try to match the gain as close as possible. For MOSFETS replace
with the same or higher BVDSS (drain to source breakdown voltage) and the same
or higher ID(continuous drain current). Also if you substitute a transistor used in a
half bridge that uses two identical transistors replace both the transistors in the half
bridge so that both of the transistors are the same, don't just replace the bad one in
this case.